Geraldine Horan

Who am I.

Hi, my name is Geraldine, Hypnotherapist, Naturopath, Nurse.  I’ve been involved with health most of my life.  Along the way, I’ve studied naturopathy, hypnotherapy, and energy healing techniques, such as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Kinesiology and others.  

I change peoples’ physical and emotional health at its core:  using hypnotherapy and EFT to access the deeper mind and deal with old issues that are blocking the present, while bio-functional testing and remedies clear at the physical and emotional levels, so that they can live a fuller, healthier and more confident life, of their choice.

What can I help you with.

  • Hypnotherapy – for weight loss, quit smoking, anxiety, goal setting and past regression

  • Gut Directed Hypnosis - for IBS and other GI conditions

  • Bio-resonance scanning – for finding the layers of “dis-ease” in physical and emotional issues

  • Animal bio-resonance scanning - for physical issues, and flower essences for behaviour

How can I help you.

  • Feel better about yourself, handle more stress

  • Go back to clear core issues, for a bigger shift in your behaviour

  • Quit smoking; lose weight and shift associated underlying issues

  • Use vibrational responses from bio-functional scanning, and offers information feedback to build insight (any diagnosis a practitioner offers comes from their own judgement)

Favorite thing about working at Prahran Health Foods

Having worked there for 28 years, it must be OK!  I find that there are always interesting people, from the staff to the customers, with the opportunity to keep growing and learning.  There are rewards along the way, when people come back to say how much they benefitted from recommendations for their health.  

Favortie product in store.about working at Prahran Health Foods.

Bio-Practica GenoMulti Active B -  The most comprehensive multi vitamin, supporting more of the methylation pathways in one tablet.